As a mother, social worker, educator, mediator, restorative justice circle keeper, artist, and rabbi I recognize that I have not followed the traditional form. I have not found one path and followed its road, rather I have traveled many paths believing that integration of all of our multiplicity of parts is our birthright. Many have shamed me for this but I believe this is a new way forward. I have spent my life exploring truth. At a young age I recognized that children express a truth that adults have covered up with defense mechanisms. Working with many children over the years I have recognized that we all hold our childhood selves deep inside. Uncovering those parts of ourselves allows us to lead more playful, enjoyable lives that can cultivate a deeper sense of self in our day to day living. This can lead to an authenticity that allows us to embrace our truest essence and leads to a life of deep fulfillment. The Torah teaches us that breaking the cycles of past suffering requires that we remember where we came from. This requires looking deep inside to those hidden parts of ourselves and giving them voice. With all of my love, lots of my failings, deep gratitude and excitement for wholehearted living I share with you my many, many paths. With deep gratitude, Esther |