I have spent the past 39 years of my life climbing a mountain of experience, gaining tools and wisdom from the outside world and uncovering my inner landscape. Some were easy to obtain while others shook the core of my being. Now I stand on a precipice knowing that it is time to leap. It has become clear to me that the work that I have done up until now is fully ripened and ready to be shared. I can no longer feign insecurity or ignorance. It is time for me to share all that has been gleaned. We are all on a life journey and my story is no different from yours. I may be behind you on the path or further along but we are all here gaining the tools so we can fully show up and embrace who we are.
Today I invite you to walk alongside me, as part of the Rei Emet/Mirror Truth community, so that together we can uncover our true nature. As a mirror of your inner landscape, I will reflect your strengths back to you, and uncover those hidden parts that keep you from embracing who you really are. Through this process you will uncover your inner truths and live those out in the world. There are many offerings to choose from, that will allow you to hear your inner voice, including meditative prayer, individual mirroring sessions and Torah Dharma. As we uncover our truths and learn to live by them, we will “be the change we want to see in the world.”
I look forward to walking with you on your journey. with love and gratitude, Esther